International Journal of Emerging Research in Management and Technology (IJERMT)

Volume-4,Issue-3, March-2015

  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • Support of E-resources for Academicians to Fulfill Their Information Need-a Study
  • Author
  • Gayathri. D, Sadik Batcha. M
  • Country
  • India
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  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • Pharmaceutical Verification and Information System for Authentication of Registered Drugs
  • Author
  • Quist-Aphetsi Kester, Patrick Asante Owusu, Dara Caulcrick-Odebo, Sylvester Hatsu
  • Country
  • Ghana, France
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  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • FEA Analysis for Customized Overhead Gantry
  • Author
  • Ankur Kulshresta, Anurodh Prashant
  • Country
  • India
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  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • Stability of Equilibria in a Discrete Model of Interacting Species
  • Author
  • A. George Maria Selvam, R. Dhineshbabu, P. Rathinavel
  • Country
  • India
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  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • Review of Hybrid Electrical Vehicles
  • Author
  • Parag Kulkarni.
  • Country
  • India
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  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • Pedestrian Detection in Thermal Image Using HOG
  • Author
  • Surabhi Patel, Mausumi Goswami
  • Country
  • India
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  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • Feature based Protein Function Prediction by Using Random Forest
  • Author
  • Vatan Singh Azad
  • Country
  • India
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  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • A Novel Technique for ECG Signal Denoising
  • Author
  • Alpana Sahu, Chinmay Chandrakr
  • Country
  • India
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  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • Design of High Speed Multiplier Using Vedic Mathematics Technique
  • Author
  • Suraj A. Dafe, Suraj A. Bhagat, Suraj P. Bhagat
  • Country
  • India
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  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • Automatic Query Expansion
  • Author
  • C.R Anjali Krishna, M.B Arya, P.N Neeraja, A Nikhila, K.M Sreevidya, M. Aparna
  • Country
  • India
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  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • A Survey on Microarray Gene Expression Data sets in Clustering and Visualization Plots
  • Author
  • T. Deepika, Dr. R. Porkodi
  • Country
  • India
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  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • An Overview of Text Mining Techniques and Methodologies Used in Bioinformatics Domain
  • Author
  • R. Savitha, Dr. R. Porkodi
  • Country
  • India
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  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • A Study and Analysis of Disease Prediction Techniques in Data Mining for Healthcare
  • Author
  • R. Tamilarasi, Dr. R. Porkodi
  • Country
  • India
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  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • Opening an Application Using Hand Gesture
  • Author
  • Shubhangi Taware, Shalini Thusoo, Prof. L. J. Deokate
  • Country
  • India
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  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • An Analytical Study of Data Mining with the Help of UML Model and its Application
  • Author
  • Dr. P. C Agrawal, Aparna Chaturvedi
  • Country
  • India
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  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • Efficient and Flexible Method for Evaluating Data Reliability Based on Relevance Feedback
  • Author
  • Vibha Sharma, Prof. A.D. Gujar
  • Country
  • India
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  • Section
  • Research Paper
  • Title
  • Analysis of Web Log Files Using Web Mining Tool to Increase Performance of Search Engine
  • Author
  • Ravi Bhushan, Dr. Rajender Nath
  • Country
  • India
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